For a climate-resilient world

To achieve climate resilience in cities and municipalities, we must not only be prepared for water scarcity and floods but also transform our cities – with clean energy and as sponge cities. We provide the hardware and software to digitize water bodies, consultation for climate adaptation, and components for critical infrastructure.

Prepared in case of an emergency

Pegelmessung ohne Limit

Unlimited water level measurement

Thanks to our patented WAMO technology, the measurement station always floats on top and provides accurate data even when a flood exceeds all the water level limits of conventional measuring stations.

Autarke und mobile Plattform

Autonomous and mobile platform

Thanks to the intergrated PV modules and battery, WAMO does not depend on external power supply or communication networks. Water levels at critival points are measured and transitted in real-time to enable rapid response and informed decisions regarding evacutations, rescure operations, or other measures.

About us

We are e.Ray Europa GmbH

We provide solutions to enhance climate resilience, restore water balance, and minimize greenhouse gases. We have been recognized with the Seal of Excellence by the European Commission. Since 2014, we have been active in the field of decentralized energy supply systems and telemetry. After years of development work and winning the Galileo Masters Hessen and the international Galileo Overall Award in 2021, we have been implementing pilot projects with our proprietary development WAMO since 2022.


Our Vision

Surface waters are sensitive socio-ecological systems and thus the basis of life for animals and humans. However, rivers and lakes are increasingly turning into critical danger zones in extreme weather conditions. In a world that is becoming more and more fragile, we want to take countermeasures and become masters of the situation through digital waters with a robust data infrastructure. Surface waters should not only be brought back into balance, but also used as sinks for greenhouse gases.

Help us grow, invest in WAMO
