Celebrating the world water day

Guess what’s the dominant issue of 90% of all the worldwide natural disasters? Water! According to the latest report by PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (2018), floods made up 43% …

Imagemovie from the City of Darmstadt

We are really happy to announce our participation in the newest imagemovie from the city of Darmstadt, where our roots are. This city is so full of possibilities, clever people …

Now official: e.Ray is ESA Prime Contractor!

Together with the European Space Agency (ESA), we are investigating the feasibility of a network consisting of 2,200 infrastructure systems along the tropical rain belt. The project behind it is called …

MYRAY goes to festivals

MYRAY has travelled to several festivals this summer. As a cool gadget on the camping area, MYRAY provided free solar energy to the visitors. We used MYRAY to inflate air mattresses. …

It´s TV Time!

Short Report about e.Ray in German TV: http://www.swr.de/landesschau-aktuell/bw/ulm/wasserkraftwerk-in-munderkingen-schwimmend-strom-erzeugen/-/id=1612/did=18518860/nid=1612/w489ye/index.html Wir wünschen Euch einen guten Start in die Woche Euer Team e.Ray